Wednesday, November 25, 2009

What Your Kids Feel About Divorce

Face it. Not all relationships last forever. Some are meant to last, and there are those that are simply short-lived. Even marriage is not excluded from the dramas and hassles of breaking up. When married couples finally call it quits, that is when the subject of divorce comes in.

However, when married couples agree to pursue a divorce, the decision is oftentimes based on their emotions and not by logical thinking. Many people tend to become emotional when facing a divorce; they are not entirely thinking or taking into consideration the effects of their decision, especially upon their children.

Soon-to-be-separated couples with no children are lucky, for the process of divorce will be a lot easier for them. Apart from the hassle of haggling with lawyers and surviving the emotional stress of the entire divorce process, parents with children still need to think about the welfare of their kids. In fact, the children should be the first thing that parents should consider when thinking about ending their marriage.

For some couples who intend to get a divorce, they sometimes forget to ask their kids how they feel about it. They fail to see that their children may experience emotional abuse on the entire divorce process. With the separation as a start of a new life for divorced parents, they should try to know their new responsibilities, and this include trying their very best to protect their kids from the negative effects of divorce.

The following are the common effects of divorce on children:

1. The child may feel fear and anxiety on the issue of divorce.

If the children are too young to understand the concept of divorce, then it is most likely that understanding and accepting the whole situation will be a lot easier. However, if teenagers or adolescents are the ones involved, then divorced parents may have to deal with more serious emotional issues. It is possible for teens to be afraid or be anxious about the whole divorce process. They may feel ashamed and conscious on how their peers may react on their new family status or they may scared and unsure of what the future lies for them.

2. The child may feel torn between two parents.

It is very common among divorce issues wherein the child may feel torn between his parents. Divorced couples oftentimes overlook this trauma on their children, for they become obsessed about whom their child should spend the most time with. The child, of course, may feel guilty when choosing between his parents whom he both loved and respected.

To protect children from the negative effects of divorce, parents should:

1. Try to be selective and careful about the information they share with their children.

Remember that every child has different ways to cope with their parents’ divorce. Some may take it lightly and others may take it very seriously. This commonly happens when the parents themselves fail to spare their kids from the dirty works of the divorce. Hence, it is best not to include the children in the issues the divorce process.

2. Always be available whenever their child needs them.

Although the divorce requires a lot of time and attention, parents should not forget to spend more time with their children. It is a must for parents to be always present whenever their child wants to talk to them.

Learn where to get authoritative information on how to win child custody court cases.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Unique Baby Gift Baskets

Are you tired of seeing the same thing over and over when you are shopping online for a unique baby gift? Some sites have really adorable things, but what about practicality for the new parents?

Baby gift baskets are a great route to go when giving a new baby gift. Beware of too much paper fill and not enough practical items. Always read the description of the contents of the basket very carefully. Often, new baby gift baskets really only have 3 or 4 items in them. Keep searching for product packed baskets. This way, the gift baskets not only will the new mom be amazed about how many products are in the basket, but you will know that you were a smart consumer and got your money's worth.

A Laundry Baby Gift basket can be hard to find, but they are out there. It is a laundry basket filled with essentials that every new mom is going to need. Included in these baskets are usually baby laundry soap, pre-treater, pre-treat wipes, dryer sheets and hangers and sometimes an adorable outfit. You will know as the gift-giver that every item in this basket will be put to good use.

An Essential Baby Changing Basket is also a perfect and practical baby gift. Usually, these baskets contain diapers, wipes, changing pads and diaper ointment among other things needed for changing the baby's diaper in any room of the house. Sometimes gift givers give the mother two of three of these baskets, so they can be placed in different rooms of the house. Grandmothers often receive these as gifts, so everything is ready when the new baby comes for a cherished visit. Along with this, there are baby changing gift "baskets" that come in plastic sealable containers to keep in the car. These come in handy when a quick diaper change is needed in the parking lot of a favorite restaurant or shopping mall. Many new moms dread the thought of placing their new baby on one of those germ infested changing tables in public restrooms. New moms and dads would rather make diaper changes in the car instead.

Book, Books, Books - A new baby gift basket bubbling over with great children books is always a great gift idea. These books can be used long into the future and enjoyed by everyone in the family. Babies love the soothing voice of mom and dad at an early age and utilizing these books can make for some cozy memories with mom and dad.

Baby gift baskets don't have to be made up of one or two little items in a huge basket full of shredded paper. Just take an extra few minutes to find a practical new baby gift basket that everyone will love.

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For the best unique baby gifts, visit Simply Unique Baby Gifts where you will find a large selection of baby gift baskets free shipping for boy, girls, unisex and twins.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

5 Baby Shower Gifts That Mom Will Love

With the pregnancy bug in the water system, you are bound to know someone who is having a baby, if you aren’t having one yourself. Pregnant women equal shopping time. Here are 5 gifts that any mother will most certainly be appreciative of. The baby shower gift ideas are great for those who are shopping or for mom’s to put on their gift registry.

1. Diapers, diapers and more diapers. That is quite a bland gift but a very much needed gift. I don’t any mom who will complain about having too many diapers with a newborn at home. To make diapers snazzy you have to dress it up a bit. You can find diaper cakes in lots of gift sites. Some come with as many as 150 diapers, plus booties, bibs and tons of other essentials for baby, but all in the shape of an all so cute cake.

2. Layettes, blankets, socks and burp cloths. Chances are they are going to get tons of these. However, these gifts tend to come in newborn or 3 months sizes which after a few weeks probably won’t serve its purpose anymore. Making this a great gift is if you buy them in larger sizes. After a few months, mom still has brand new gifts for the baby to enjoy.

3. Pamper products for Mom. The last few weeks of pregnancy are very uncomfortable and can be hard on Mom. Let Mom have the star treatment as well. Once the baby is born, Mom’s 15 minutes of fame are over.

4. Savings Bonds. A savings bond is a great way to help invest in the child’s future. While everyone is thinking of now you are thinking ahead. It may also help jumpstart parents to jumpstart on baby’s future if they haven’t already.

5. Gift Certificates. You can never go wrong with a gift certificate. Mom and Dad get to choose what they want and you gave them that satisfaction. The obvious choice for a gift certificate would where the registry is set up. If they do not have a registry set up, good choices could include their favorite supermarket (formula, diapers) or baby store. Another gift certificate idea could be a check card gift certificate. It works like a credit card and can be used anywhere.

Tip: I don’t suggest buying clothing unless the parents-to-be suggested so. Chances are they have already gone shopping and couldn’t resist those tiny adorable outfits.

Simply Unique Baby Gifts

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Small Business Marketing Tips

If you’re a small business owner, you probably don’t have a lot to spend on marketing. That’s okay, many small businesses aren’t taking full advantage of the many opportunities they have for marketing their business in basic ways that cost little or nothing to implement.

There are a number of things you can do to leverage your existing contact points with prospects and customers that require some initial effort to produce but go a long way in promoting your business, products, or services. Some of these methods include:

1. Business Cards. For less than $20, you can have a virtual billboard that promotes your business. Surprisingly many businesses forget about this great way to promote your business, your products, or special offers. When ordering your business cards, think about how you can use the space effectively. Some of the best business cards that I’ve seen include specific URL’s on the back for accessing free information, tools, resources, or product demo’s. I’ve even seen some with coupons on the back that turn business cards into a customer staple – giving them an incentive to have your business card handy at all times.

2. Invoices. Do you send your customers an invoice in print or electronically? If you do, use the invoice to promote your brand, product or service. This is also a valuable touch point to thank your customers and prompt them to learn about other things you offer. Some of the more effective messaging for your next invoice might be, “Thank you for your business. To learn more about our frequent shopper program call 1-800-555-1234”. This simple message can increase awareness and get your customers to take notice.

3. Emails. Nothing in marketing performs as well as your very own list of customer emails. Customers who offer their email address want to hear from you. Do what you can to encourage customers to provide you with their email address. You can always provide a small incentive like a pen with your business’s name on it, free information, or a white paper addressing an area of growing importance. Once you have this email list, communicate to your customers on a regular basis and encourage them to do more business with you. Satisfied customers are likely to forward your emails to others, growing the size of your customer base.

4. Thank You Notes. A number of small businesses are very effective at communicating with their customers. These businesses use every shipment as a vehicle to promote their products or thank their customers. You should do the same. When you make a sale and are shipping a product, insert a short thank you note that offers your gratitude and willingness to hear from the customer or perhaps your latest catalog or flyer. This goes a long way in showing your appreciation for you customer and interest in building a long term relationship with them.

5. Online Coupons or Offers. When you have a particular product to sell, you should offer information about it on your website. Additionally, offer an incentive for prospective customers (new customers). When individuals are on your website and take interest in your product or service, providing an incentive to buy can drive considerable response rates. You might be concerned about discounting your product or service to existing customers so be clear that your offer is only for new customers. Your existing customers understand that you’re trying to grow your business and won’t be disappointed to learn that you’re giving an incentive to new customers only.

6. Free Samples. Giving away free samples is one of the most effective marketing tactics available today. Even if you have a service business, offering up a method for prospective buyers to try a derivative of your service without paying for it can lead to increased trials and conversions. Large consumer product companies like Proctor and Gamble know that once a consumer decides that he or she likes the product, they will become a customer for an extended period of time which more than pays for the cost of their promotion.

7. Encourage Referrals. Small businesses that leverage the power of referrals experience strong growth. When you have others suggesting your product or service it’s like having your very own sales team. These referrals are even more powerful because, like word-of-mouth, the prospect is being encouraged to buy from an existing customer, associate, expert, or influencer. Think about how you can encourage referrals from your customers or other service providers. One way is to ask other vendors to distribute information about your business to their customer base in exchange for you doing the same.

Marketing doesn’t have to cost a lot. Use your own business to communicate your marketing messages and increase lead generation. These simple methods are effective for any small business owner regardless of industry, product, or service offering. Implement some or all of them to see the power of effective small business marketing.

Read more content marketing tips to attract and keep customers in your B2B company.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Wireless Technologies in Mass Transit for Convenience and Safety

Modern Mass Transit is making it easier for commuters, especially with the latest inter connecting wireless technologies. Many buses, commuter trains, shuttles and even trolley cars now have WiFi wireless computer access so no one is out of touch during the travel time. This is being done now in Baltimore to NY trains and in Sacramento to San Francisco Trains thanks to Amtrak. After all we now have WiFi hotspots at McDonalds, Kinko’s, Book Stores, Starbucks, Airports and hotel lobbies already.

By having these amenities we can get people to stay out of their cars and enjoy the commute and or take a high speed train on their next trip; not to mention save the gasoline which is approaching $3.00 per gallon. Once the system is built the operational costs are relatively low considering the costs of expanding airports which tend to have cyclical trends during boom and bust years and thus hard to manage your ROI, with gates becoming empty and then new gates which need to be built in the up cycle. One only has to follow the sector rotations of the airline industry and take a trip through the California desert and look at Billions of dollars of Airliners sitting hibernated which may never be used again. Between the cutthroat price wars, Bankruptcy tactics and now era of International Terrorism we need to rethink our transportation strategy to include other redundancy methods, which can deliver the speed and comfort that we use to have in Commercial Aviation.

We have only a couple Nationwide Bus Companies that deliver people across the country. We need to insure buses are safe also in the era of International Terrorism and at the same time we need to increase usage and ridership. New interconnected wireless technologies can do both. Since you are already on the Internet you can send video feed back to the command and control for the mass transit system and constantly monitor.

Providing amenities to commuters and safety at the same time will bring riders back and let’s face it no one wants to pay $85.00 each week to fill up their SUV with gasoline. Now is a good time to coax the public back to the mass transit systems we have already set up and improve the economies of scale to make those old embellished proformas used to float the bond measure a reality. Can technology really do all that? Perhaps it can. Think about it.

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