Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Online Dating - The Pros and Cons of Taking That Leap of Faith

Online dating comes with horror stories and success stories and the bottom line in if someone should use online dating lies within that person. Online dating is not for the weak at heart or the naive. If you are either, online dating is not a very good option for you, honestly. Online dating is not like meeting someone out in public. Your first impression comes from their written word. In the perfect world it would be nice to think that everyone profile was 100% honest, but this is not the perfect world and not all profiles reflect truly the real person behind the profile. However, there are some that do.

The best way someone should determine if online dating is for them is to weigh out the pros and cons of online dating.


  • You can meet people from all geographical areas, which open dating options vastly.
  • Anyone from the age of 18 and up can use online dating
  • You can specify the exact type of relationship you are looking for.
  • You can choose from thousands of possibilities.
  • Do not have to deal with face-to-face rejections.
  • It is easier for people who are not as assertive to flirt online then in public.
  • Some sites offer compatibility matching
  • Some sites are free even to communicate and some are fairly reasonable in price.
  • It is a fun way to learn about people and cultures as well as brush up on your communication and flirting skills.
  • Online dating makes connecting with other singles very easy.
  • You can find a date if you want the very first time you log in.
  • You can focus your space to a certain radius from your home location right down to color of hair.
  • If the person is honest, you can learn a lot about someone in a short period of time.
  • You can choose how much information you are willing to share and do not have to worry about meeting someone in public that ends out being someone less then desirable and they follow you home or begin stalking you.
  • There have been many successful relationships that have started from an online dating site.


  • Not everyone is honest. This is a huge con because it envelopes many factors from martial status to looks and to intent. A person can portray himself or herself to be anyone they want to be online.
  • Men can out number women, which may be good for women but lousy for men.
  • Fraudulent profiles used to collect emails or scam people out of money.
  • Player profiles. Those are the ones that only interest is to see how many scores they can make and have no real desire to have a real relationship although portray that they are seeking their one and only.
  • Unfortunately, there are pedophiles that make profiles seeking members with children. This is a real risk. So be wise in your online and off line dating habits. Never give out your home address nor introduce a date to your children until well after you have gotten to know them.
  • Free sites attract more members that have ill intent. Be careful when deciding to meet a person. Also, keep in mind that even though someone may be on a paid site his or her intent is not always necessarily genuine. Don't fall for the line, "Would I be paying for a site if I was looking for just anyone?"
  • Some dating sites can be quite pricey and even though they guarantee you will find a match and or your next 6 months is free is not a guarantee you will actually find a match, you just get six more months of looking.
  • Even if a person post their real picture it may not be a genuine reflection of who they are. It can be outdated, before they put on 200 pounds, or touched up.
  • People have a tendency to let their guard down after talking to someone on line for a while and start to give out personal information. There are predators online that are highly skilled at making you feel safe when in all actually you are walking into a dangerous trap.
  • People can easily get caught up on the internet life and stop looking in the traditional fashion. Online dating should only accent your dating possibilities. Not totally replace them.
  • People can quickly develop the grass is greener affect and with the thousands of options pass up viable partners always thinking there is yet one better out there.
  • Although they say the social stigma is gone in regards online dating, not many will still admit that the person they are dating they met online. People still look at it as a dangerous option and not a real way of building a relationship. It is not a alternative nor should it be used as an alternative in building a relationship. You should only talk to a person on line long enough to see if you have enough in common and then take it to the real world. It should not be used as the foundation of building your relationship.
  • With the large geographical possibilities, you have to ask yourself if you are willing to relocate.
  • Online dating sites and forums can become addictive and time consuming. A person can end up spending hours upon hours looking at profiles, responding to messages to the point of obsession.
  • It is harder to really know if the person you are talking to is being forthcoming with their background. They can have a long criminal history or a serious STD and you may not find out until it is too late.

Online dating is not for everyone. You have to use common sense in both online and off line dating. It is just some are a better judge of character and can smell a smoke screen through even through the internet. After knowing the pros and cons, only you can make the decision if online dating is for you.

Julissa de Mayo writes and lectures on relationship issues. She has taken these skills and dedicated them to writing and moderating the Soulmate BLOG which is an open forum to discuss, learn, gain insight, express feelings and freely comment on all things connected with interpersonal relationships. She invites everyone to visit the BLOG and join the community. Anyone may comment; or sign-up as an author to submit their writings on the subject. You may contact Julissa through the contact-us page on the BLOG.

Read more about online dating here.
Visit here for more online dating tips.

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